T Bolts Pics

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Thanks guys.
I think this is going to be the last big project like this I will be doing. The mind keeps coming up with ideas but the body can't carry them out any more. After yesterdays work I can hardly move. Every joint in my body is screaming at me.
Know the feeling so well and like the suborn old fool that I was, I would go back for a second round of punishment. Now, at last I know better. :D
More work on the walls last week. This time a gutter behind wall #2 giving it an exposed aggregate finish. 20 bags of quickcrete concrete mix. Glad I had my little concrete mixer. Still have about 7 feet to go with the gutter becouse 6 of the bags of concrete I had stored in the garage went bad and could not be used. Well I guess I'll finish it next time.

Quite a few years ago I had started experimenting with my old OM-1, using B&W film and colored filters but it became just too expensive costing around $15 for film and developing for only 24 pictures, while costing nothing to use my wife's digital Lumex point and shoot, so that's when I got my Olympus E-620 DLSR. Unfortunately It coincided with a very busy time of my life and I never really got to playing around with it and used it mainly to take my group build progress pictures.
Last week I finally started playing around with it and shot these pictures using the B&W and red filter settings to darken the sky. First couple are at the lake and the rest are in the surrounding countryside using my truck as a model.

I too miss my film cameras. I started out with an OM-10 when I was in collage and eventually ended up with 2 OM-2S's and a beautiful all manual OM-1 with real leather on the body. By the time I stopped using film I had (and still have packed away on a shelf in the closet) just about every OM system accessory and lens that I could possibly want.
I kept on wishing that someone would come up with a kit to replace the door on the back of the camera with a digital pick up but it newer happened.
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Thanks for the comments guys. A few more shots taken yesterday.
This time color taken of clods over the lake at F22 with a polarizing filter on my Lumex GF-2 mirrorless camera. (I don't have a polarizing filter that will fit my E-620 but there is an adapter on the way)

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