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Hi Clave,

Hm, shouldn't it be black-white-red with the WW2 Luftwaffe and not black-red-gold? (Or is the anachronism intentional?)


Henning (HoHun)
Thanks for the kind comments!

I changed the Luftwaffe ones - the flag should have been the red Nazi flag - or nothing, so I have no flag on those now... (must remember to use brain next time)

Got a few Belgian ones now, and probably look at France, Italy, and Japan later...


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Hi Clave,

>I changed the Luftwaffe ones - the flag should have been the red Nazi flag

Ah, you're right - I hadn't known that the swastika "party flag" had been made the official national flag in 1935! (I had thought it was just de facto used as such.)

>Got a few Belgian ones now, and probably look at France, Italy, and Japan later...

Great "modular" design, looks stunningly good for almost every combination!


Henning (HoHun)
Hi Clave, those are very cool t-shirt designs. How would one go about getting one, because I would definantly buy a few.

My preference would be II./JG1 "Oesau".
There should be no problem in adding those, but I will post up the possible new designs here first just to make sure they are right.

Just to clarify: II/JG1 - that's the little green worm, right?
I can do 2 versions: one with a 109, and one with a 190...

I can do Bartels '13' with JG5 - just need a pic to remind me..

Oh, and a reminder of the cafepress address: Clavework Graphics
Cool t-shirts! Would it be possible to get them with the planer on the front Squadron Markings on the back?
Belgian AF:


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