Hi soren
Good to see that you have been away working on your charm and powers of persuasion as usual.
You keep dodging the issue all together as me an Kruska were from the start talking about an ordinary two storey house, which most likely WILL collapse after a single hit by a 75mm HE round. But as usual you twist this into involving large shopping complexes and banks in an attempt to support your already crumbling case, realizing full well that what Kruska and I are saying is true.
No, i am not dodging the issue at all. I refer to my original comments viz a viz attacks on buildings. They are contained in Post 34, and read as follows
As for the effect of artillery against Infantry in buildings, well, history shows that this only tends to increase the protection for the Infantry. the Infantry simply take cover in the rubble, which provides a great deal better cover, and virtually an instant entrechment to hide in. This was proven a hundred times over in wwii, from Stalingrad to Caen
Please take note that I did say that the Infantry takes cover in the rubble. Both you and Kruska chose to ignore that bit….
Your reply to that was contained, which provided the following informative argument
That's complete bollocks Parsifal. Ordinary buildings are about the worst place to seek cover against artillery. If artillery strikes a building with people in it, those people are almost surely going to die.
Now AFTER the building has been turned to rubble, it will provide good cover for infantry, but not while it is still standing.
Obvious that you didn't read the original post properly.
As you can see, from the very beginning I was referring to buildings in built up areas, and the problems tanks have in this sort of terrain.
Of course, we have not even considered the issue of mobility, a city that is reduced to rubble is basically impassable to tanks
Anyway, my position has always been this….the survivability of a building depends on its size, and context. You should refer to my post number 41, which in part said
Agreed, but the issue is whether Infantry within a building before it is demolished will survive. It depends on the size of the building, the type of construction, the explosive capability of the round and whereabouts in the building the Infantry is when the round hits.
Your rejected that, but failed to provide any supporting evidence to that effect. You simply said that artillery fire into un-demolished buildings was a deadly effect.
This seems very odd, and unconvincing to me. Lets look at just one example In 1945, the Soviets poured more than 7000000 artillery shells of 76mm and over into an area of central Berlin, measuring 7 miles by 2 miles, They then poured elements of two complete Soviet Fronts into that area. They still suffered hundreds of thousands of casualties at the hands of the defenders. Whilst there was a fearful toll on the civilian population a lot of then even survived. And whilst Berlin had been heavily bombed, it was not a total ruin, so it is invalid to try to argue that all of the city was in ruins. There were still many buildings in the centre of Berlin still intact before the Soviet bombardment. The germans fought from virtually every building whether it was a ruin or not. Sort of disproves your assertion in many ways.
Please note my earlier comments….the effectiveness of buildings in providing effective defence depends on its construction, and its context. Context can clearly mean that it is located in a built up area. Your position has always been, basically that context didn't matter, if you entered an undamaged building you were toast.
There is one other thing to consider. If Infantry is in a building, that is in urban context, you have no real way of knowing which building they are in. One of the biggest problems for tanks in cities is mobility, if you start to indiscriminately knock over buildings, pretty quickly you will lose your mobility and not be able to move at all. So unless your enemy is pinned, and unable to move, or your tank crews are supermen and able to fire as quick as like wyatt earp in a gunfight, you are going to render your tanks ineffective very quickly by your own hand.
As for the handgrenades, again have you ever actually thrown one or seen the effects of one Parsifal ??? So far you're not convincing with your ridiculous claims and lies about others.
In your usual way you attempt to twist what others are saying, one example being the below comment:
Soren, why do you think that I have lied? I have been trained to use handgrenades (real ones too) because I had to learn small arms drill in order to lead boarding parties against drug runners and illegal fisherman. Ever been a member of a boarding party. it can be nasty, and can include the use of grenades, although I confess we never had to actually use them while on operations. I have used my sidearms in anger, and yes I have been in harms way soren. I would like you to be specific please when you say that I am lying, so that I can respond properly to the accusation. At the moment you have just said I am a liar. In my country that is a pretty serious accusation to make.
That's not what I nor the US manual says, the US manual says that the Kill radius is 5m, which means that if you're within 5m of it going off, you're dead! While the casualty radius is 15m, which means that if you're within 15m of it going off, you're going to be seriously wounded! Furthermore it is noted that shrapnel can disperse as far away as 230m from the site of the explosion (Hence the long safety range!). These are not bloody toys Parsifal! There's a good reason that soldiers are standing behind concrete protective walls while throwing these things at targets 20 - 30m away!
Now let's have a look at what I said:
As for disputing the US Training manual on the M67, I aint, it says itself that it is dangerous even at 230m! Why the heck do you think the guys are standing behind protective concrete walls whilst throwing these things ??! For fun ??! Because they're all a bunch of pussies ???! Those things are lethal way past 50m and within 10-15m the blast will knock you cold! The reason the killing radius is listed as 5m is because if you're within 5m of one exploding you're going to die instantly, and from actual experience using these things I can tell you that at 10-15m you're dead as-well or soon will be from blood leaking out from the 30 or so holes in your body caused by shrapnel.
Yes, and your post is insinuating an effective range of at least 50 metres, and possibly 230 metres. I know they are not toys, which is one of the reasons I no longer touch guns or grenades. You don't need to tell me about weapons not being toys, but thankyou for the reminder.
I do stand corrected however. In my reply to Kruska, I had mistakenly stated that the casualty range of these things was just 10metres, my mistake.
I still cannot see ANY supporting information to support your position, namely, that buildings will normally collapse when hit by a single round of 75mm or less.