Major General
Before you get too carried away with this idea just how many "bomblets" do you think are going to fit the 105 shell?
BTW, everybody had cargo shells as Parachute flares, smoke and chemical shells in addition to leaflet shells were cargo shells. Some smoke shells were bursters but many ejected multiple canisters of burning smoke composition.
US 105mm howitzer shells of much later than WW II (some used in first Gulf war) carried 18 anti personnel bomblets. one type was 38mm in diameter, 63mm long, weighed 120grams and had 28 grams of explosive filler.
A 155mm could hold 60-96 bomblets, or 9 anti-tank mines or 36 anti-personel mines.
An 8 in shell could hold 192 M42 dual purpose grenades.
Pictures of US bomblets here: Subs 2
The tapes or ribbons on some indicate armor piercing bomblets as the tape or ribbon acts as a tail to help them hit hollow charge side down.
Figure in WW II fuses and WW II knowledge of shaped charges and I doubt that WW II bomblets are going to be quite as small.
BTW, everybody had cargo shells as Parachute flares, smoke and chemical shells in addition to leaflet shells were cargo shells. Some smoke shells were bursters but many ejected multiple canisters of burning smoke composition.
US 105mm howitzer shells of much later than WW II (some used in first Gulf war) carried 18 anti personnel bomblets. one type was 38mm in diameter, 63mm long, weighed 120grams and had 28 grams of explosive filler.
A 155mm could hold 60-96 bomblets, or 9 anti-tank mines or 36 anti-personel mines.
An 8 in shell could hold 192 M42 dual purpose grenades.
Pictures of US bomblets here: Subs 2
The tapes or ribbons on some indicate armor piercing bomblets as the tape or ribbon acts as a tail to help them hit hollow charge side down.
Figure in WW II fuses and WW II knowledge of shaped charges and I doubt that WW II bomblets are going to be quite as small.