Tempest V in Il2 1946

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Sep 19, 2006
Anyone has probles with the Tempest V? I can hardly turn it around the corner w/o falling out of the sky. It stalls very quickly and can only do wide turns.
In the beginning I had A LOT of troubles with Tempest stalls! :lol:

Flying the Tempest is a very different matter than flying Spits or Zeros or Franks or Georges ...
You have to always keep speed over 350 km/h, better over 400 km/h and don't try too tight turns.
Using flaps in combat mode helps in turning but eases in losing speed, that's the most dangerous thing for such a heavy plane: Tempest best advantages are guns, visibility (except rear view in game) and speed.
It's unlikely to win many dogfights in Tempest by turning and you are not advised to try ...

Here are some advices for flying that beast:
Tempest V - Comms Centre

BTW, if you look around these days you could find on the net some ... um ... "slightly different" and faster Tempests (11lbs/13lbs). ;)
They seems to me a little bit harder to fly too (as it probably would in real life!).
Don't know if the Game takes this into consideration but the Tempest used a laminar flow airfoil type in reality, which is a poor airfoil for turn performance as it features some nasty stall characteristics and a low Clmax critical AoA. So that might explain why it's such a bitch to turn around.

That having been said I haven't tried the a/c yet myself.
Don't know if the Game takes this into consideration but the Tempest used a laminar flow airfoil type in reality, which is a poor airfoil for turn performance as it features some nasty stall characteristics and a low Clmax critical AoA. So that might explain why it's such a bitch to turn around.

That having been said I haven't tried the a/c yet myself.

I guess it does as I have similar problems with the Mustang, although not as severe as with the tempest.

Thanks, Cloclo, good link.
Same for the P-47 (naturally), but at leat the P-47 has mild stall characteristics. (except with flaps down)
Tempest in Il2 is good plane, but with some bugs or mistake. Bad speedbar, slow rate of fire and very bad dive. But after all is better than FW 190A4/5/6/8/9 and for low alt is better then all Bf 109. Only one german planes
which is better is FW 190D9 (both types).
combat with Bf 109 f/F/G2,6
No turn at low speed. BnZ tactics. In emergency go to dive and fly away.
Bf 109G6AS/10/14/K4
dont fight at high altitude (ideal under 10Kfeet/3000m) without superelevation. Go low, you are faster, you have similiar climb, you turn better. Only rate of roll is litle worst.
Fw 190 A4/A5/A6
Tempest is faster at all altitude. Its is only one better feature. Fortunately is speed really different. Dont turn, dont break, dont slow down. Hit and run.
Fw 190A8/9
This Fw is feed for Tempest. Tempest is litle faster at all altitude. Tempest have rate of climb better. Tempest turn better. Only roll rate is advantage for this Fw. Atention - A8/A9 is very good dive fighter. Dont show him your tail in dive without energy.
Fw 190D9 44/45
Tempest keep pace with Dora only at very low altitude - max 2500m. Dora is faster, Dora climb better, Dora have better rate of roll and Dora turn similiar like Tempest (Tempest is slightly better in turn at low alt.) Over 2000m is Dora more superior.
Vital actions
Use supercharger. Under 3200m first stage and over 3200m second stage
Use BOOST in chalenge combat or if you must go away.
Remember enemy plane and his week point. Remember your strong ability.
Overheat engine holds 5minuts with close radiator. After five minuts you must turn down power and open radiator until engine normal.
Combat flaps use only against turning oponent, which is worst in turn then Tempest (Bf 109G6AS/10/14/K4, Fw 190A8/9/D9 and all cripled plane)
Best climb speed - 280-290 km/h
Max dive speed - 900-920 km/h
Take off speed - 180-250 km/h
Landing speed - 150-180 km/h
Press your triger properly. Temp have 20sec. full devastating fire
Fire when is enemy plane across gunsight ring (fighter cca 250 metres)
Covergention 200-300m
25% fuel carry 13min flyiing with full power. 75% tempest fuel = 100% germans plane fuel.
Search your target from on high.
Two cooperation Tempest destroy many alone enemies without dangerous
I don't have too much trouble bringing down Tempests in IL-2 with my Fw190A-8...

I'd rather deal with Huricanes or Tempests than Spits...
I agree. Just shot down two tempests and five mossies with the A-8 in a quick and orderly manner.

The P-51s can be tough though on the same mission.
AI, or bad Tempest pilot :) Tempest isnt spit and many pilot flyiing with Temp like with spit. Big mistake.
In a Tempest you should NEVER turn with a 109, at any alt, the 109 turns a lot better. Try it online, I have no problem outturning Tempests with any 109 online.
I flying online in War clouds, wings over Europe, UK ded2 etc etc. Late Bf turning bad. Roll its lot better, turninig not
I'm on Warclouds as-well.

The late Bf-109's easily outturn the Tempest, no problems what'so'ever.

I just love it when a Tempest jock decides to try and fight my 109 K-4 in the horizontal, I'll be on his ass within seconds.

The best thing a Tempest can do against a 109 is to utilize its superior low alt speed, cause in an angles fight the 109 dominates completely.
best turn time:
Tempest 22,04sec
Bf 109 G6AS 22,37 sec
Bf 109 G10 22,13
Bf 109G14 22,01
Bf 109K4 23,36 sec
without combat flaps. Tempest have good combat flaps ;)
I think what it boils down to here, is that experience would dictate the outcome of an encounter between a Tempest and an adversary.

The differences between a Tempest and a Fw190 or Bf109 of the same time period would be up to the pilots and thier ability to exploit their machines in a dogfight.

Shortly after World War II the British became interested in the performance and evaluation of the advanced German Fw 190 D-13. While at Flensburg, the British Disarmament Wing wanted to see how this fighter would perform against one of their best, a Hawker Tempest. Squadron Leader Evans approached Major Lange and asked him to fly a mock combat against one of their pilots. Lange accepted, even though he had only ten flights in a D-9.

The mock dogfight was conducted at an altitude of 10,000 feet, with only enough fuel for the flight and no ammunition. In the end the machines were evenly matched. Major Lange assessed that the outcome of such a contest greatly depended on the skills of the individual pilot. At the time Major Lange was not aware that he was flying a D-13 but rather a D-9.

I've been flying a Fw190 in combat sims for about 15 years in various sims, such as Air Warrior, Jane's WW2 Fighters, CFS2, CFS3 (especially AVHistory 1% models) and IL-2 Sturmovik's series. I know the machine well, and will use every single bit of that machine to the best of my abilities to make the victory. If I am against a good adversary, it can become a long fight, but a gratifying one. For me, it's not the kill, but the thrill of the hunt.

Never assume that you have the upper hand against an adversary because you are in a machine that has "superior" qualities according to someone who has made a nifty chart that says so... :)
I will agree that it is the pilot that makes the difference in most dogfights. A "superior" crate will never guarentee a victory or a kill. I, personally, have seen the 109 do some wicked things when in the right hands.
Just for the heck of it, I ran a quick-mission in '46 against a Tempest.

I set the Tempest's skill to Ace, time of day was 12:00 noon.

Altitude was 1,500 m with unlimited visability on the Smolensk map.

I ran a bone-stock Bf109G-2 with NO gunpods.

The duel lasted about 3 minutes with the Tempest having better climbing and acceleration. Knowing it was faster than I was, I used it's speed against it in the turning fight. I landed some good hits on it with the MGs and then in an effort to get away from me, the Tempest started to climb. It was at that point where I opened up with the nose cannon and took it's tail off...

I'm sure with a human pilot, the Tempest would be more fun :lol:


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