Tempest V in Il2 1946

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That G-2 probably handled the Tempest pretty well. The later the model 109, the heavier they got. From my own experience in Il2, a G-2 can run rings around a Tempest, and if you climb at about 210-230, it's pretty much a homesick angle. It can run, but god help it if it decides to stay and tangle.
With G2 vs. Temp on online server is suicide
I agree with pilot experience. Pilot must know his plane and oponent plane.
While my machine of choice is a Me262 or a Fw190, I have spent countless hours "in the cockpit" of a G-2.

I've operated the other variants, and am not all that comfortable in 'em.

I do prefer wingpods on the G-2 when available!
Sounds like the bragging is getting pretty damn deep here.... Looks like we need to set up a showdown on a server and see if Tempik and his Tempest can handle GrauGeist and his Wurger....

I myself find the Fw 190D-9 to be my favorite plane to fly and combat with.... In the mission Im currently working on for my next video, I/we/my Schwarm end up getting jumped by 4 Tempests, 2 Aces, 1 Vet and 1 Rook... I have no problem getting them in my sights, except when Im down at 30 meters and theyre doin all this weavin and bobbin sh!t... I just throttle back and let them weave around until they decide to climb out, and then the 20mm take care of em...

The Tempest, in the IL2 game, does not impress me, BUT, I dont fly online...
FW 190D9 its best piston plane in the game. Its better than Ta 152C
Flying against AI is not proof
Duel Tempik and his Tempest vs. GrauGeist and his G2 with gunpods? Lets go!
Dont know about best one in the game, cause some of the over modeled Russian crates turn on a dime, I can kill anything in those, makes the game too easy...

I dont think a G-2 with pods is gonna match up with a Tempest too well.... Its one thing to battle with AI, its another against a human with knowledge....
The Tempest is my favorite crate for intercepting bombers though. The speed and armament make it nice for protecting your airbase. The controls seem very smooth to me also.
i havent got any issues with the tempest, the only plane i have some "problems" with is the gloster gladiator (the finnish J8A). the issue is that my engine keeps cutting down in mid-air
Sturmer, the Gladiator had carbeurators which would, in certain manouvers, "starve" the engine for lack of fuel. Nosing down, for example, would force the fuel to the top of the carb, and away from the bowl's metering ports, resulting in fuel starvation.

Many of the early-war aircraft had this problem, and the tactics of engagement were dictated by this.

Best thing to keep in mind when running the Gladiator (or any carb'ed engine), is imagine a glass full of water on top of the engine. You always want to keep the water in the bottom of the glass. If you want to dive, roll slightly inverted so that the centrifigul force keeps the water in the bottom of your imaginary glass, and so on...
@ Graugeist: thank you for the information, i didnt know that. now i do .
its was very stressfull when engaging bombers and to see that when i was almost at the right altitude, my engine cuts out and down i went again. lol

best turn time:
Tempest 22,04sec
Bf 109 G6AS 22,37 sec
Bf 109 G10 22,13
Bf 109G14 22,01
Bf 109K4 23,36 sec
without combat flaps. Tempest have good combat flaps

lol, those figures are definitely not right.

I think we should have a duel online Tempik!
@ Graugeist: thank you for the information, i didnt know that. now i do .
its was very stressfull when engaging bombers and to see that when i was almost at the right altitude, my engine cuts out and down i went again. lol


Your welcome

Worse still, is when you're about to engage fighters, and you kill your engine...


The Hurricane Mk.I, and the radial engined Italian fighters I think are the only others (except for mods).
All the Japanese and American a/c (and those using US engines) will have "pressure carburetors" (fuel injector in the intake manifold, like single point fuel injection, or "throttle body injection" -GM term- used in some cars) And the Spitfire V and Hurricane II have the "Schilling Orifice" to greatly the problem -I don't think Il-2 bothers to model this. (the later versions -and all Packard Merlins- had pressure carbs)

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