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Jim, so far, I've been able to use a touch less than 50% thinners to paint, using white spirit as the thinners. Note that so far, I've only used one colour (Dark Earth), and originally thinned it so that it flowed down the mixing jar like milk, as is usual practice. Although this sprayed fine, it was very 'wet', ran and 'pooled' easily, and, of course, gave a thin coverage.
The next colour I'll be using (RAF Dark Green) I'll thin at around 40% thinners, and if it struggles, add a bit more thinners, up to 50% max.
As a rough guide, use 50/50 mix, and adjust as required, after test-spraying.
Jim, I just sprayed the Colourcoats RAF Dark Green, and it went on beautifully.
I'm not exactly sure of the thinning ratio, as the paint was added to the (plastic) shot glass I use for mixing, off the tip of a loaded paint brush - around four brush loads.
Thinners was added from a pipette, four drops at a time, and the paint mixed, then four further drops, repeated to a total of 12 drops. I'd guess this was around 40 -45% thinners, approximately. The paint ran down the side of the glass a little thicker than milk, but sprayed easily and smoothly, without spitting, clogging or any other problems.
After spraying the Dark Green camouflage pattern approximately 50% of the upper surface of the 1/32nd scale Spitfire, I still had about 20% left of the paint poured into the airbrush paint cup, so even at this relatively low thinning ratio, it goes a long way.

Hope this helps, but of course, do some test mixing / spraying before committing to a model.

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