Thanksgiving, For those

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Just looked it up. It's sort on like early Christmas apparently.

Sinterklaas is the original Santa Claus. Dutch settlers brought the tradition to America, where it transformed into Santa Claus. We celebrate Sinterklaas on december 5th, giving presents to eachother, similar to Christmas in other countries. It was recently in the news as the UN deems the tradition to be racist, because Sinterklaas is helped by a black man, zwarte piet. They think this has it's roots in the slavery history. Which is utterly ridiculous as the tradition f zwarte piet is formed hundreds after slavery was banned here, it's just a children's event.

Yeah its pretty much the same in Germany except he comes on the 6th.
Aussies can't get their heads around Pumpkin pies, or sweet potato pie................ yummmmmmieeeee!
Turkies here are about 5 pounds, gotta laff out loud about that.
Yah gotta BBQ one about 20 pounds to be a good one.....

And Yanks think Aussies eat Vegemite out of the jar!!!! hehe.
And bythe way, in Queensland, XXXX spells Beer!
Everyone is having a stupid "knee-jerk" reaction to anything that might be remotely deemed "racist" these days...

Even the term "black friday" is now under racist scrutiny (black friday refers to a store being "in the black" after the holiday)...I really miss the old days when traditions were tradition and everyone got along without political correctness
Yeah, well, the surprising thing is that the UN seems to think that they have nothing better to do than spoil a childrens party. It's not like there is a war in the middle east and ebola in Africa to worry about....

I thought you guys BBQ'd drop-bears while celebrating Queensland Independence Day?

Yeah some in the black community are now spreading false lies that Black Friday started during Slavery when Slaves where sold the day after Thanksgiving. They are calling it "Knowledge is Power" and thousands of people are eating it up.

I want to puke!

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