The 25 hardest men on TV and in the movies....

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Charles Bronson, Lee Marvin, Clint Eastwood, Humphrey Bogart, Sterling Hayden, John Wayne, Tommy Lee jones, Jason Latham, whoever played the part of Dan's video script, Steve McQueen, Robert Shaw, Telly Savalas, Robert Stack, Sean Connery, Curt Jurgens, Arnold Swarzennager, Sly Stalone, Viggo Martens (?), Clive Owen, Dennis Hopper, Dennis Farina, Olmos
I liked him in "The Dirty Dozen" but my all time favorites he starred in were: "The Great Escape", "Mr. Majestic" and of course, "The Magnificent 7"..
I'll add Benito Del Torres in "No Country For Old Men"-- one cold-blooded straight-up killer---
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