The Bad Penny Returnith

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Alder, not sure about the builder. I am the only the second owner and it is 10yo. The man who had it built did so because his mother-in-law was no longer able to care for herself and they were moving her in with them. So bedroom #2 is completely across the house from the Master bedroom and has its own full bath and heat/air controls. He also bought 2 lots, a total of 2.8 acres, mostly woods. The Core-line (Army Corps of Engineers owns all shoreline plus about 100 yds) ends our property and goes another 100yds or so to the waters edge. The house is in the middle upper 1/3 of the property. There is a walking path down to the dock and a public access road (rock path actually). The road (almost unheard of in the area) and the dock (no more permits available) are worth $80,000. A falling-down POS wooden dock still on styrofoam blocks just sold for $60,000.
Vic, the quiet (no cars, trucks, airplanes, people yelling or playing rapcrap) and Darkness at night are unbelievable as are the clear dark skys. I can actually see the Milky Way!! and eagles soaring on the thermals during the day.
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Oooh Mike, what a wonderful place you've gotten! That is just SO awesome!
I am NOT envious, I am NOT en...ah shove it, I am envious!
I'm sorry to hear about the moving company from Hell, but I'm glad you finally got there.
And Cheyne looks great, she's a beauty.
I think (and I sure hope!) that you'll end up having many happy years in your new home.
How about the hunting/fishing permits in the area?
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A lifetime hunting license for me, once I become an official resident is $25.00 and a similiar lifetime fishing permit is $10.50. Basically all I need to do is have my driver's license changed to Arkansas then apply after 60 days of residence. On the lake I have to be careful because some parts of the lake are in Missouri and you have to have a Missouri license to fish there. Deer limits are 6 per season with no more than 2 bucks from 11/12 to 12/4.
Maria, I've waited all my life for this place. Like I said earlier, one look and I knew that it was THE place.
Dang. With that much acreage, it shouldn't be any problem to bulldoze a nice berm in the back and set up your own private range! Shoot me an email (har har) and I'll come help inaugurate it! You wouldn't believe how hard it is to find a range that will let me shoot my Enfield...darn steel-jacketed .303's....
RA, no problem, in fact, I also have an old enfield that I sporterized many years ago. Have not shot it in years and getting .303 was always difficult. Texas is not that far. come on down. Got a whole herd of venison in my back yard every day
Heh....I think I'm gonna leave this Enfield as original as I can make it. I'd love to find a scope/mount/bolt for my Mosin, but can't afford one right now. Since you're a southerner now (need to learn how to say "howdy" and "y'all"), check out Cabelas if there's one near you. I bought a box of .303 there, they had two different types, soft-point and solid mumblemumblemumble. Ran (IIRC) about $20 for a box of 20. If there's a bAss Pro nearby, they may also carry .303.
Nice spread there Mike and those are not trout but baby sharks My son could only say "damn,were they catch those at".My boss uses a .17 caliper clipping the deer in the neck from his back of the house.You are right get out in the country with no artifical lighting and the stars just pop.
RA, there is a BIG basspro shop in Springfield MO. Will be going up there in the fall to look for boat deals. I want to trade in the old Procraft on something newer. will check to see what they have.
Javlin, have your son check this out. The state actually stocks the river with trout


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Nice 2' trout the boy is sporting and probably somewhere in the 4-5lb range?Some good eating;Red Snapper is #1 then Specked Trout is #2.I flew up to a place called Shirley Arkansas when I was 18 and still in HS to see a summer love .Thats when I found the stars again.Cool
Javilin, that's not far from here, a small town about 40mi due south of where I am now
RA, used that mil ammo years ago, has a corrosive primer as I recall. Gun has to be really well cleaned after every use.
Heh. I try to really-well-clean my gun after every firing. Probably overkill, but I'd rather not worry about whether it worked when I needed it to. Although the Mosin's firing pin is a royal NIGHTMARE to get together when your hands are coated in Hoppes #9 (the wife doesn't seem to have much humor when the spring slops out of your grasp and goes singing past her ear)...
women, no sense of whimsey. The .303 is mostly a curiosity piece right now. I'd want a gunsmith to check it out before I'd put a live round through it. Benn looking at those new
.17 cal guns. I use my trusty Winchester 30-30 for deer.
Thanks Thor, it is a dream come true. Just wish they'd turn the exterior thermostat down about 10-15 degrees. Not one day below 95 and next week 100+ the entire week
BWAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAA!!! Oh, were serious about the "heat"? My bad, I thought you were being sarcastic or downright silly. Double-digits? I've heard of such things...the local museum even has a photo (35mm, no less...ancient!) of a thermometer that has double-digit markings on it. Some say its a fake, though.

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