The Boneyard

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Nice shots of the boneyard. It's a good scope when you look at the big rig driving on the road next to the planes. I can't believe there are still F-4's in storage, and to verify what I see, those are B-52's, F-14's, Stallion Helicopters, F-15's, and was there a vast amount of A-7's??? Strange seeing all those planes there. Any one have photo's of boneyards with world war two aircraft? I would really like some of those.
I remember seeing a photo (may've been at a museum) of literally hundreds of Spitfires -about to get scrapped!
Breaks your heart to see all those beautiful aircraft about to be shredded up into pieces!
Sorry simon would have replied earlier didn't realise there was a reply!

It was actually Channel 7 I later realised.

Jeff Watson was the presenter he also did the special on the QANTAS 707 they flew back from the UK to Longreach.

No luck on Youtube. Try you local video store, probably may have it.
Just checked out the Google satellite maps site, and I was surprised at how many C-5's they have there already; I counted 11 C-5A's, and a bunch of the short-bodied C-141's. I also counted ten B-1B's, and a ton of (I'm assuming) high-hour A-10 airframes. A bunch of the old B-52D/G's are already cut-up for scrap; I have no idea how old the photo is, I'm guessing about 5 years old (most of the Google satellite photos I've seen are about that old).

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