I was just discussing 1940 which includes the Battle of Britain, there were times when pilots just jumped in a plane to get it off the ground and there were times when a pilot returned from being scrambled in a plane whos guns hadn't been re armed. With Bader the 2 minutes to get airborne included getting his legs strapped on, which he used to practice.I'm assuming they did things similar then as they do now, which is hot cock the jet for alert. Engines get run, all equipment to include the flight controls gets checked, then the plane gets shut down with the applicable switches already in the correct position.
In the Eagle we wanted to be rolling within 5 minutes of the horn under most circumstances. You were a—holes and elbows making that happen. When sitting with another flight lead we would often let the first guy to taxi take the lead. Gave extra impetus to get it done and start rolling...