The Flat Earth society

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I have my own Unifying Theory of the World which explains almost everything I see and helps me to be more chilled about it.

That is - "60% of people on the planet are, independent of education or socio-economic status, inherently stupid".

And most of them are on the internet...

5. People move to Australia.

Flat earthers and similar types are only guilty of applying common sense to more complicated mathematical problems. Common sense is good at explaining things on the human scale, but bigger or smaller, not so much.
Let's assume the earth is a sphere. Now stretch a rope around its circumference, just touching the surface, all the way round. Now increase the length of the rope by just one metre. How far off the surface of the earth would it be? Common sense would suggest that three feet on a rope 40,000 Km long would make F. A. difference. The answer, which you can look up or work out will surprise you.
For problems like this common sense does not work.
My trouble with the whole concept is using common sense you can easily defeat their outlook. I mean with a pair of cheap binoculars you can see satellites and most assuredly the ISS! If we cannot leave earth because we are constrained by the "firmament" then common sense tells you the ISS must zip instantly from one horizon to the other in its constant cycle across the sky! Good grief I am literally reduced to flapping my jaws when confronted by this mindset. And I suppose as long as a person feels free to define their own set of "facts" there will be no convincing them short of stuffing them on the next crew launch to the ISS. And even that won't work because it will all happen in a simulator.... sigh....
I think I mentioned before that there is a growing tendency today to equate fact and opinion. A person is entitled to the opinion that the earth is a few thousand years old, but the facts prove different. I'm entitled to my opinion that someone who believes the earth is a few thousand years old is a f*cking idiot.

It might be your opinion that a book can stop a large calibre round from a hand gun, but when you shoot your boyfriend dead you are a proven idiot.


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Ah Steve, let's take a trip through Common Sense Land:
For those of you who equate ALGEBRA with the Egyptian Book of the Dead (actually that's the Calculus) this may be a bit bumpy but hang in there.

You might recall from school that the Circumference of any circle is the Radius of that circle times 2 times Pi. (Pi you may recall is approximately 3.141593)
#1. Applying this to the Earth at the Equator we have Ce (Circumference of Earth) = 2 x Pi x Re (radius of Earth)

Divide both sides by 2 x Pi and we have

Re = Ce / 2 Pi

#2. OK now let's go to the NEW rope

Rr (new radius) = Lr (new length of the rope) / 2 Pi

#3. Let's also consider Lr above, it must be = Ce (Circumference of Earth) + X (amount we added to the rope) or
Lr = Ce + X

#4. Now to what we want which is H (distance the rope is now above the surface). It follows that:

H = Rr (new radius) – Re (radius of Earth remember). Now we ADD Re to both sides of the equation, and get:

Rr = H + Re

#4. Now look at #4. Since equals can be substituted for equals it follows that:

H + Re = Lr / 2 Pi

AND by the same principle

H + Re = (Ce + X) / 2 Pi

#5. OK now (Ce + X) / 2 Pi is a fraction and can be expanded into:

(Ce / 2 Pi) + (X / 2 Pi) and therefore:

H + Re = (Ce / 2 Pi) + (X / 2 Pi)

#6. We're almost home Matilda hang in there. Look at #5 (Ce / 2 Pi) and at #1. It follows that Ce / 2 Pi is the same as Re (radius of Earth) since again equals can be substituted for equals it follows that:

H + Re = Re + (X / Pi)

#7. Now the fun part. Notice that Re is being added to BOTH sides of the equation. Thus we can SUBTRACT it from both sides and not change anything.

#8. So it follows that H (height above surface) is just:

X (amount added to rope) divided by 2 x Pi or 6.283185

So how high above the surface is the new rope? H = 3ft / 6.283185 or 5.73 inches

Or for you Metric types add 1.00 meter to the rope and H = 1.00 / 6.283185 or 15.92 centimeters

Notice that the actual circumference used has NO bearing whatsoever on the outcome. If you have a 40 inch waist and a 40 inch belt and add 3 feet to that belt (76 inches) and then step into the center of that 76 inch belt it (the belt) will be 5.73 inches from your waist on all sides.

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H + Re = (Ce + X) / 2 Pi

#5. OK now (Ce + X) / 2 Pi is a fraction and can be expanded into:

(Ce / 2 Pi) + (X / 2 Pi) and therefore:

H + Re = (Ce / 2 Pi) + (X / Pi)

Nice analysis, but you dropped the (2) in (2 Pi ) in this section, but you still used it at the end to calculate the result.

#8. So it follows that H (height above surface) is just:

X (amount added to rope) divided by 2 x Pi or 6.283185
Flat earthers, like many who espouse of conspiracy theories, are not really concerned with the details of their theory. They are indulging in a negative, the important thing being to disagree with the accepted view, because this view is false and imposed on us by some controlling force, the new world order, the banks, the illuminati etc. (you can fill in any other you feel fits). Why such an elite, if it existed, would want to convince us that the earth is flat is a question that flat earthers don't feel needs answering. This leads to a distinctly unpleasant strain of prejudice in many of their beliefs. See here:
NASA, UN, Freemasonry, Vatican, Jews, Jesuits, NWO
Of course, the idea that the Jews are behind the controlling evil elite is not exactly new, but it still leaves a nasty smell behind it.
Maybe we should not be surprised that the flat earth beleifs have origins in the 1800s and the interpretation of biblical passages by Christians with fundamental (in modern terms) beliefs. Look up Samuel Rowbotham/Parallax if you actually care.
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Why such an elite, if it existed, would want to convince us that the earth is flat is a question that flat earthers don't feel needs answering. This leads to a distinctly unpleasant strain of prejudice in many of their beliefs. See here:

It's all about the in Rand McNally is, despite public records to the contrary, secretly a whole owned subsidiary of an international cartel of map and globe makers dating back hundreds of years if not thousands.
Globes are harder to make than flat maps and can be sold for more money, they also confer status to their owners better than a flat map.
Anybody can stick a flat map on a wall but to have space in your house/office to devote to a 3 dimensional globe shows off wealth and power.

It's all marketing and profits
Hallelujah Robert something we can both TOTALLY agree upon:
The Earth is not round nor flat, it's cubic... but does have a flat surface on this side of the Cube in which we live, and does have a circular attraction from its Magnetic Center or Pole.
Each side of the Cube is a different World, each with its own moon at their respective Magnetic Center and the 6 Worlds together form the cubic Earth. Each side of the Cube has one Sun, so there are in total 6 Suns... the total trajectory of each Sun takes 120 hours to complete the full cycle. Each Sun takes 24 hours to complete the trajectory on each lateral side of the Cube, and an extra 12 hours to complete the trajectory on the top of the Cube and another 12 hours on the bottom of the Cube... so a total of 120 hours. The movement of each Sun is gradient, and while during the trajectory along the 4 sides of the cube the movement is gradient but spiraling squarely, on the top and bottom the movement is spiraling circularly, taking 12 hours to reach from the side's edge into the Magnetic Center in on side and another 12 hours to reach from the Magnetic Center into the edge on the opposite side. The trajectory of each Sun over the top and bottom sides of the Cube are in total 24 hours, 12 in each side. So Earth is a Cube, each side is a different World, having each side a Magnetic Center, each side having a moon, and the Earth is a Cube with 6 Suns gradiently spiraling its surface, separated each by 24 hours of traveling distance

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