The Here, Now

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I read Kevin Rudd's book "The Avoidible War". I referenced COVID simply to remind naysayers that China considers any ???? -- important questions = IMPERTINENCE.

Sad but your link is better coverage than the Cdn press is providing. Thanks.
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Culture ... or Conspiracy ...?

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... and the drip keeps dripping ....

Canadians are 'deplorable' for "politicizing" these actions. Yeah, we are.
Just a reminder…

Michael, we have eased the politics rule to allow for discussions pertaining to conflicts such as the ongoing Ukraine war.

However, we have not removed the "no politics" rule all together. Please do not break the rules. We reserve the right as a private forum to remove or close any threads where this occurs.

This is primarily a WW2 Aviation forum. There are plenty of political forums on the internet to discuss politics.
These recent two news show Chinese historical wisdom.
They have their own unchanged scenario.

Taiwan's Ma Ying-jeou lands in China as Tsai Ing-wen heads to U.S.

China reduces duration of no-fly zone after Taiwan protest: MOTC

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