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We watched it in the lunchroom at the office here. I will withhold my comments as I do not wish to start any arguments from the other side. Suffice to say that I am saddened that this has garnered as much media attention as it has with so much else going on in the world.
My only comment, is that the American predilection for media interest in these kinds of cases inevitably means that we can NEVER KNOW FOR SURE because the defendant can never be tried by a disinterested group of jurors.

MJ is a maggot and becuae of greed and the ideal for power and wealth he got off. The prosecution was a bunch of bozo's and now we will see more sensationalism on the American TV set with everybody and their cousin waiting in line to sue or at least they think they will.........

ok off the bandwidth ........
Now he could start figuring out how to pay his massive debt. Maybe he'll open up Never-Land as another Southern California theme park and feature pit-bull petting zoos, Pedophile Recognition Nights and wine flavored cotton candy! Perhaps he'll even collaborate with OJ Simpson and open up a national fast food chain called 2 Gloves featuring kiddie meals with porno place mat "connect-the-dot worksheets" and the Estranged Wife Special - Chopped Meat hamburgers sliced in 2!"

I love the British Tabloids name for him "Wacko Jacko."

It would not surprise me if someday he chokes down a bottle of sleeping pills!

This is a sick world, I think the only NORMAL people are aviation enthusiasts!
Let's be careful here. None of us have had the God-awful life MJ has had. We do not know for sure whether he committed any crimes. He was found NG on ALL 10 counts. Give him the Benefit of the doubt, that's what a legally appointed jury of his peers did after all.


Ya know Kiwi, I'd like to go along with you but this is the 2nd time he's going through this. You would of thought he would of distanced himself after the first incident. You know the old saying "Burn me once, shame on you, Burn me twice shame on me!

And yes - I believe he is a product of the god-awful life he had. I hold his parents responsible for some of the of his behavior, although you would think at 47 he would figure it out by now!

More feeding frenzy for the media! And the band played on....

Ain't he a handsome playboy

When I see this, and after two TV documents experince (eg. Michael shopping, Michael merry-go-rounding with 5+ yo kids, etc...) I don't belivie he's innocent.

I've heard it today in the BBC news and it really surprised me (and made a small smile on my face).

Ok, well, I guess I can air mine out then. I would have thought that children anywhere near Neverland would be have been a hell of a lot safer if that scumbag was put away. Anyone who commits an act like that on a child deserves a slow and horrible death. I think he is as guilty as sin and because he could afford good lawyers and the prosecution could not get anything to stick, he walks away scott-free. What a waste of taxpayer dollars and time.

AGREE! I think he's sick, sick, sick! and I'll say it again, I believe that someday he's gonna commit suicide when he really gets a good look at himself in the mirror!

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