The Knights Cross....

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Forum Mascot
Aug 21, 2006
In my castle....
Was Hermann Graf and Hans Joachim Marseille unique in getting the Knights Cross and all its different additions in less one year?

Hermann Graf,
Knight's Cross: 24 January 1942
Oak Leave's: 17 May 1942
Sword's: 19 May 1942
Diamonds: 16 September 1942

Hans Joachim Marseille,
Knight's Cross: 22 February 1942
Oak Leave's: 6 June 1942
Sword's: 18 June 1942
Diamond's: 3 September 1942
Only one chap got them all and that was Rudel. The award was the oak leaves,swords and diamonds IN GOLD, and there were only 12 to be awarded. Hitler's plan was that when Germany had won, there would be 12 holders of the award, a sort of super elite of all the holders of the diamonds. Rudel was the first and then the war ended so he was the only one.

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