The People's Mosquito Launches 'Front End Engineering' Campaign

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Jun 16, 2016
The People's Mosquito has today launched a targeted fundraising campaign to fund the 'Front End Engineering' portion of the build by Retrotec.

The People's Mosquito announces targeted fundraising to launch UK build - The People's Mosquito

Every £ spent on Front End Engineering saves many £'s later in the build. This campaign has been designed to make it easy for everyone who wants to donate - even a small amount - to do so. By supporting The People's Mosquito, you will be ensuring that YOUR Mosquito takes to the air, following a superb restoration by those masters in the field, Retrotec.

Full details are here ... -uk-build/

Every donation, however small, helps!

And, thank you........
Good luck Ross. Being on the BoD of the Calgary Mosquito Aircraft Society, I know the importance and difficulty of raising funds for such ventures - and ours won't have flight in its future so your task is all the more challenging.
Thank you so much for the good wishes. As we say, 'Every journey starts with a single step' . There will be a few more interesting developments, shortly. Very best wishes to all at CMAS

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