The Person Below Me (TPBM) (3 Viewers)

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Sometimes, chewed some Orbit Cinnamon gum the other day and it burned the daylights out of the inside of my mouth. Can't taste a thing and it's hard to open wide to take a big bite of BBQ!!!!

TPBM makes up thier own lyrics to go along with popular songs.
Yeah like.....mmmhhhmmmhmmmllaaadadadpompompommmhmmmhhmmmbirds...mmmhmhmhmmmooopopomm....booze......mmmmhmhmhmmmyummy.....mmhmhmmpompom...lalalatarlala.....

TPBM thinks that I've lost the plot...
The Reinheitsgebot, is the oldest consumer protection law and a guarantee of beer quality. An example to the world of how beer should be brewed.

TPBM doesn't believe that !

This was a famous train wreck, engine #97. Was it "Casey Jones" at the throttle ???? This is from memory.....

Edit: In 1903 a Southern Railway train, running out of control down a steep grade on the line between Lynchburg and Danville, jumped track, causing a spectacular accident in which thirteen people died.

TPBM will tell me for sure...

...and Joseph A. Broady was engineer from Monroe, Virginia and it was one hour late. The train was a Fast Mail train. The place where accident happened was Stillhouse White Oak Mountain.

TPBM likes to listen to folk music....

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