The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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Naaah....I wan't my christmas to be white and cold....

TPBM will tell us where Fahrenheit and Celcius got their names...
Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit was the dude that came up with the temperature scale we call fahrenheit. I guess some guy who was into the metric system
came up with Celcius.

TPBM will tell us about Mr. Celcius...

2nd Delaware or the "Crazy Delawares" were the last to leave the battle field at Gaines' Mill and the first to charge at Fredericksburg and Gettysburg....

TPBM didn't sleep well last night....
Yea, this morning... some dope in a Hummer blew by me on Edwin Drive.
(Speed limit 25). The cop was waiting for him at the corner, after he blew
a stop sign, too. Made my day !!

TPBM is thinking about a sub for lunch...

Always;) Grilling is cooking over high heat for relatively short periods of time, Barbeque is cooking at low temps. for long periods of time, usually with tougher cuts of meat to make them tender.

TPBM thinks both Lucky and Myself are smarta$$es?

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