The Person Below Me (TPBM) (2 Viewers)

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Well, sorta..... I was awake before the sun came up, but didn't actually see
it come up.

TPBM has a promise to keep.....

Nope no measles had a bad case of chicken pox though

TPBM wants to go on vacation (lord knows i do:D )
Yep, need to save the few vacation days I have left for the year for some time off in the beginning of November though.

TPBM has had thier windows rattled by a T6 Texan or Vultee Vibrator flying over the house.
Yes I am, but Fall is my favorite time of year. Dread Winter coming again though.

TPBM will offer to come shovel my driveway this winter. I'll provide the shovel and some refreshements.

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