The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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I do. I use to have a ShopSmith, and made quite a few objects de wood.
I made a rocking horse for each of my grand-daughters almost 20 years
ago. They will be passed to the great grand children, and perhaps beyond.

TPBM is a sentimentalist.... like me

That was me Sir Charles. Yuo must not have had your morning Coffee yet? Guitar thread is over in the Music section. Got a lot of work to do.

TPBM needs a Turkey and stuffing fix!!
Going to have one in about an hour or so. Company is having a pot luck
lunch. Lucky me.... I get to bring ice !!

TPBM doesn't know about the L/B goof.......

If by low key you mean eating way too much and lounging in a chair with my belt undone and the button on my pants open, then yes it will be low key

TPBM has had one too many this evening.

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