The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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Speak for yourself !!! I've been carrying a US 100 dollar bill in my wallet for
five years or more. One of these days I will see something I just have to
have, and the bill will come out.

TPBM is an Aussie or a Kiwi.....

Sure .... I'll be in my office til 5:00 PM.

The Va. Lottery is worth $1,000.00 [usd] a week for life. They stopped
doing the progressive lottery some time ago. Of course, I have my ticket
and would like to win. All it takes is matching those six numbers exactly.

TPBM is crossing their fingers for me....

Drawing was last night, forgot to check the numbers. Have to wait until I get home from work tonight to find out whether I can quit my job?

TPBM has not been sleeping well lately.
Nope, usually sleep like a stone, but every so often I get short term bouts with waking up dozens of times during the evening.

TPBM is thinking a nice hot bowl of soup is in order for dinner tonight.
No.... I'm a meat potatoes kind of guy. However, the missus has phoned to ask me if I want meatballs with the spaghetti we're going to have tonight.

TPBM enjoys a good plate of pasta.....

Nope, hope to get some work done on the guitar project this weekend. Maybe some Ice Fishing, and take a wander through the woods. May start builidng a pair of snowshoes as well?

TPBM has far less ambitious plans on thier weekend agenda.

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