The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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I'm not particularly the particular type, nope.

I'm going to bet at least one of you TPBMs knows what you do with a clothespin and baseball card...
since TPAM ^^^ didn't put a TPBM I will. he's old so we understand....

TPBM ( keeping with the clothespin and playing card theme ) also made a propeller to put on their bike made from a popcycle stick and a clothes pin
Of course I did! Old Wizard and at6, you boys are awesome!

TPBM played hopscotch (...although may have forgotten all the rules by now)...
Yeah, I played them. Never liked jacks that much, though.

TPBM can't tell the difference between an AT-6 and an SNJ...
They are similar. Most Harvards were built in Canada by Norduyn Aircraft at first and then Canadian Car and Foundry later. They were equipped spade grip controls, extended exhaust shrouds, rear canopy like a BT-14, and a different layout to the instrument panel. Otherwise, they are virtually the same. TPBM agrees.

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