The Person Below Me (TPBM) (1 Viewer)

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Nope, can't stand having something around my wrist. Don't even like wearing long sleeved shirts.

TPBM overdid his workout last night and is sore all over today.
I am a speed reader..... but if I do that I don't retain the info. So I take my

TPBM is probably Bucky

Sure do we almost had the chance yesterday, went from 85 on wed. sunny no clouds to rain, hail, snow 22 degrees, this morn, sunny no clouds prob about 70

TPBM loves this knda weather
Not right now. Want it to warm up and stay warm.

TPBM is going to have something really good for lunch today that will put my low carb. , low calorie sandwich to shame.
Yes, I did. The missus picked me up and we went to Arby's. Had a roast
beef sandwich (with onions !) , curley fries and a Dr. Pepper. YUM !

TPBM took a friend to lunch..

I wish. I would like to have a four 10 hour workweek and 3 days off, but can't talk the Bossman into that one.

TPBM is independantly wealthy, but works a job just to keep himself out of trouble.
Yea... Right. My wife sez it keeps me out of the bars and off the streets.
Except when she's P.O.'d. Then its, "go play in the duty runway" !

TPBM would like to hit the lottery...

I would indeed. I'd tip a couple in honor of all my TPBM buddies, then I'd disappear into the Wilderness somewhere.

TPBM would like move into such a remote location that even he would need a map to find his house.
Nup I'm on 7000 acres of land can't stand closed in spaces went to the city for a week and it drove me nuts, i mean who wants to have someone so close they can hear you when you fart ?
TPBM likes city life
Hell no! Grew up on a farm with the nearest human 2 miles away. Now there 2 feet!....OUCH! She hit me!!!

Buck, thats my schedule - 4 on and 3 off. Love it.

TPBM pumped gas once for a living.
*Looks over shoulder* Sssshhh! Be quiet!

TPBM has a real and I mean REAL hard time ribbing himself loose of the Breaking News thread.
No. Never. Never more than 15 times a day. See, I know how to show restraint.

TPBM has drooled on his keyboard looking that "that" thread.

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