The person below me (TPBM)

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Damn how did you know that! I dont remember seeing you at the party!

TPBM does not realize how drunk I was when that happened, but somehow the thought of it turns them on.
Oh yeah I do. Been there. I remember one time I asked my wife to get condensed milk for a casserole I was making. 40 minutes into the process she came home with condensed milk. SWEETENED condensed milk. Boy was I pissed.

TPBM does most of the cooking in the house.
Yeah I can, but I choose not to, because I really enjoy cooking and yes I do do a lot of the cooking because my wife comes home later than me because she does not get home from the university till later.

TPBM does not know how to cook at all and that is a shame...
Nope. I do all the cooking in the house. Its cathartic.

TPBM thinks the US celebration of Thanksgiving has grown into a mass marketing ploy to just go shopping for Christmas early.
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