The person below me (TPBM)

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I'm not sure what you are insinuating, CC. Sounds like a personal fetish that you might wish to keep behind closed doors.

TPBM like pink lemonade better than plain lemonade.
*slurp* mmm, thats good pink lemonade...*notices people watching* um...ah, you didnt see anything *covers up pink lemonade, and shakes fist*
TBPM has a secret fetish that they wish to be kept secret
Not that I'm aware of.

TPBM posted above me and wanted someone else to admit a fetish because psychologically they have a fetish they wish to share.
I'm damned. Don't even know if I could have watched it. I don't watch too much TV anyway. Watched some of the Sonics and read books with my youngest son.

TPBM does not like to watch basketball.
I used too. But now something intrigues me about the behind the scenes strategizing. Kinda like car racing. I used to hate car racing. Now I love it. The engineering and strategizing is what wins the race.

TPBM does not like car racing.
Your right, I too dont consider it a sport. I dont think it is stupid, but I would not classify it as a sport and find it rather boring to watch cars drive around in a circle for hours.

TPBM does not like Football (not American Football).
I've never watched much of it to give it a chance. Let's see what the next guy says...

TPBM does not like Football (not American Football).
Not me. I bet I watch less the 5 hours a week. Music and radio is another story. And don't ask about how much I'm on the computer between work and play.

TPBM drinks bottled water because their tap water sux.
I do drink bottled water because the water here in our area has to much Kalk in it. It is safe to drink and does not taste bad or anything just a personal preferance of mine.

TPBM has to drink bottled water not because of a reason like mine but because if they dont they will get the shits...
No my local water is fairly good. The have recently added chlorine in it and I don't appreciate that, but my filtration system in my refridgerator takes care of that.

TPBM drinks lots of soda pop.
Not really. I have the odd glass on hot days but I prefer juice or milk as a quick drink. Currently Enjoyinging a whisky...except I just spilt half of it on the keyboard

TPBM is horrified at the loss of good whisky.
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