The person below me (TPBM)

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is it true that when you're hung by the neck before dying you will sustain an erection and ejaculate before dying?

and no i can think of easier ways to knock one off

TPBM is knocking one off as we speak
Well having looked them up, I most certainly would. All of them please.

And Lanc...I truly am having a cappucino. Double shot.

TPBM likes the Pussycat Dolls music.
No I hate it. They are a cheap made up casting couch band with no talent at all and people only like them because they want to get into there panties...

TPBM wants to get into David Bowies pants.
No thinks, but I would like to see him perform in a small venue. I like his old stuff from the 70s, but not the Glam Rock look.

TPBM does not like Bowies music.
i like most of the more popular stuff.........

TPBM, despite there being one less of them, would rather be ravaged by Girls Aloud and the pussycat dolls...........
Yeah the girl below.

TPBM is dumb founded by this picture.

"Picture copywrighted by CC."


  • ccpic.jpg
    21 KB · Views: 82
man alive he must've looked for ages for that pic

i couldn't care less who CC likes, i'm more worried by who he doesn't like i mean who doesn't think girls aloud are fit!

TPBM is avoiding their wife/partner/significant other..........
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