The person below me (TPBM)

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No, but I do wonder if you and CC are chivalrous enough to push in each others stools.

TPBM is desparately seeking a change in this thread.
Nope, my house doesn't have walls yet.

TPBM hasn't eaten anything all day.
Haha, I am! my dad, in fact.

TPBM is so shocked, he's just wet himself.
No, I'm cringing at the thought of what may be causing that wetness.

TPBM does not want CC to provide any more detail of his wetness episode.
Probably quite a bit. Although whenever possible, a buddy cuts my hair for free. Takes about a minute. Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzt...done.

TPBM likes country and western music.
Not really since me and my wife save lots of money every month. I love her, she is really good with finances and well the account keeps rising day and day.

TPBM wishes they could watch there account do the same.
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