The person below me (TPBM)

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Nope dont have a dog at the moment, but I am trying to induce feed my snake at the moment.

TPBM is slightly turned on by that statement.
I guess so. I'm still trying to figure out how you combined being "turned on" and a "real snake" in the same sentence.

TPBM is deeply concerned with CC and his apparent sexual dysfunction.
No I'm a college boy and have heard worse.

TPBM wondering why we're talking about ugly people and the questioning of CC's sexual motives on Christmas.
Not true. Got more than I needed. Healys are those damn shoes with a wheel in the back that you see kids using in airports. Or at least I do. They are basically one wheeled skates.

TPBM is still confused.
Nope I don't. My encounter with skates when I was 5 went like this. Put on skates. Fall on @ss. Tie pillow to backside. Fall on @ss. Take off skates. Soccer and wrestling was more my speed.
Yeah I did when I was 17. Liked the receptionist chick too much I guess.

TPBM is wondering if Lanc will explain the technical differences between his tractor models.
Well Lanc may very well note that one of the differences in his tractor models is one is more sexy than the other. Wouldn't put it past him. He may very well hone in on the latest model having a sheepskin seat cover.

TPBM is wears an analog watch.
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