The person below me (TPBM)

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Hey this is getting a little close.

I refuse to discuss my personal peccadillos with the Forum. :confused:

TPBM is never going to hear Lanc's nicknames.
No that's april fools.

TPBM still believes in the fat red guy. (not including me.)
no, secretly i quite like it, but don't tell anyone.......

TPBM can see a christmas tree from their computer chair..........
unfortunately not, although i did try to put one of my small lancaster models up there...........

TPBM is matt, and upon it being matt will believe i have amazing powers to guess who will post next!
Well I'm not Matt, but I do love good poop humour.

TPBM just got off the can from a good dump. ;)

Oh, and "no" to all that stuff Matt just said.
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