The person below me (TPBM)

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I resent it, I dont require spending £30 a week on school... My parents are paying for that, I use the money for petrol, insurance etc...

TPBM agrees with me, wondering how the hell you are supposed to spend £30 a week at school.
Let me get this right. You have a weekly allowance of 30 pounds from your parents. You sent it back home (not resent it). If so, I do agree. Good for you.

Does that include your meals? If so 30 may not be enough! I'm assuming not.

TPBM has no idea how CC gets the British pound symbol out of their keyboard without looking it up or writing a macro.
No, I get £30 in EMA (Education Maintenance Allowance) from the government (I think); because my parents earn under a certain amount a year. Children of families earning more will get less money (£20, £10 etc). It's supposed to be used for school supplies and trips etc, but I just hoard it in my bank account and spend it on what I see fit.
My folks will give me £5 a week lunch money and £5 bus money a week.

Hehe, nope. Its on the '3' key for us. $ is on 4, as is the euro € 8)

TPBM has more currency symbols on their keyboard.
Nope. While I guessed you had a different key board configuration, I'm suprised with what you do have. Here is my top row:

! @ # $ % ^ * ( ) _ +

TPBM has a different set of symbols on their keyboard. (whats on yours CC?)
It is very sad. Looma pointed that out. Are the pound/dollar/euro on the same key?

TPBM is now convinced that this thread is for the criminally inane.
And grammically inept apparentally. I'm just as bad if not worse, trust me.

TPBM is better in a foreign language than his home language.
God I wish I did. I admire those who do.

And Chief? I hope that your "grammically" sarcasm was on purpose. I about spit my pre-NFL function beer all over my computer. If it wasn't on purpose...well we still love you anyway.

TPBM is not going to watch NFL playoffs tonight.
I do. Two. 1995 Ford F150 4x4 and 2000 Toyota Sienna minivan. Love the minivan. Wish the driver side had more legroom though.

TPBM owns a minivan.
Nope I own a 1995 Jeep Grand Cherokee and a 1995 Ford Fiesta. I hate the Fiesta, it is so small and no room at all. Gets great gas mileage though.

TPBM only owns a bicycle.
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