The person below me (TPBM)

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Yes, and like Lanc, I'm wondering what the opposite of having a chip on your shoulder is.

TPBM understands Matt well enough to decipher his posts.
Definitely. It tastes better and it's better for you.

TPBM is shocked that President Bush admitted in a live speech today that America is losing the war in Iraq.
No actually I am not. I dont think he is as stupid as some people think he is. I am not a fan of the guy and dont particularly like the way he was running things in Iraq, but he is not as stupid as some people think.

When I was in Iraq I was allways wishing he would come and visit us troops more than just for Thanksgiving and have a sit down with us and let us tell him what we need to win the war.

TPBM is a liberal and is going to go at me for saying that Bush is not as stupid as some people think that he is.
Nope! I'm pretty damn conservative - and I agree with you.

TPBM gets airsick and pukes when flying.
Not scared, but did almost get sick one. Doing 747 yaw damper tests off the coast of Washington. Fun at first. Then five minutes went by. During negative Gs dust would float by. And I was wondering where the puke bag was located and how I was going to reach it without unstrapping.

TPBM read the article about US contractors having canadian coins with electronic "bugs" in them.
Nope I have not read that. However up there about the Negative Gs - Come on man Negative Gs are fun as hell. I actually hated them at first but then for some reason I really started to enjoy them.

TPBM has never felt Negative Gs before.
Never flew period. I would like to though

TPBM gets airsick just looking at a plane.
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