The person below me (TPBM)

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I absolutely do. I love cheese. I like yellow cheese, white cheese, moldy cheese, stinky cheese, cheese from goats, cheese from France, cheese, cheese, cheese.

With the exception of Les, TPBM is not that excited about anything they put in their mouth.
You can't ask rhetorical questions based upon your own circumstances, Lanc.

TPBM is going to finally tell me the difference between those tractor models like he promised.
i did tell you! you'll have to search for them, it's to do with the PTO clutchm use the search facility, now!
No. Nor do I think that Lanc's obsession with Les' hog is appropriate for this forum. [and yes I do remember that post now Lanc re: the tractor, sorry]

TPBM while rereading this thread for clarification, realized that Lanc likes cornish "pasties" in his mouth...not pastries...and is having thoughts of scantily clad ladies sliding up and down poles with certain body parts covered with short pieces of masking tape.
Your right. My guests just finally left my house at about 1:30 in the morning and I am finishing up my beer and I am going to bed.

TPBM thinks the idea of a beer is good and will go and get themselves a beer as well.
i like to think i do, but there've been absolutely no times when i've needed it for school :lol:

TPBM only just got up........
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