The person below me (TPBM)

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Really?! Your yankin' chains Hussars. No didn't soil myself, but it did remind me of folks who can't drive. Kinda incomprehensible.

TPBM believes in ghosts.
I believe in the holy ghost.

TPBM believes that mummies do infact chase people down.
Nope. Thank goodness. I did have to go to court ordered driving school when I was in my late teens. 3 speeding tickets in 2 months.

TPBM has had to do jail time for their moving violations.
Yeah I have, but ignored it at the time. I was still young and my brother had muscular dystrophy. So I was not petty enough to make it a big issue. I think that sibling rivalry becomes a bigger issue as you get older. Folks tend to compare income as a means of equating happiness. Stupid.

TPBM's sibling rivalry is making them mental.
I dont have any siblings. There's good points and bad points, but most of the time the good points out weigh the bad points. If I wanted a sibling it would probably have to be a slightly younger sister, God knows why. PErhaps its becasue my girlfriend has a great relationship with here younger sister as does a friend of mine. But they're girls so it probably doesnt apply to me Oh well, im happy.

TPBM can name the 10 different types of dismissal in cricket off the top of their head
Cricket? What's cricket?

TPBM does not need to explain to me nuances of cricket, but does need to tell us how much cricket gear they have in their closet.
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