The person below me (TPBM)

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Yeah I do. I **** you not, while working for United Parcel Service, I unloaded a 40ft trailer by myself in 40 minutes. Loaded with boxes from top to bottom, aft to stern. While I did not do that every night, I did average about 50 minutes a trailer. Best shape I was in, in my whole life. My back, biceps, triceps and lats looked like Swarzenegger during his championships. Oh the days...
Yeah I do. I **** you not, while working for United Parcel Service, I unloaded a 40ft trailer by myself in 40 minutes. Loaded with boxes from top to bottom, aft to stern. While I did not do that every night, I did average about 50 minutes a trailer. Best shape I was in, in my whole life. My back, biceps, triceps and lats looked like Swarzenegger during his championships. Oh the days...

TPBM is a workaholic
No I am not a workaholic. However, there are times for such behaviour. And if you don't recognize that you are doomed to mediocrity.

TPBM can't fathom when those times might arise.
HA! HAHAHAHAHA! HA! HA! AH! eh...ha.

TPBM is about as persistent a saver as much as he is a Vegetarian, like me.
Oh and I sure as hell aint a Vegitarian! Grass was put on earth to make the cows and pigs fatter so that I can eat them. A nice juicy Steak!! UMMMM

TPBM could not think about never eating meat products like the amazing roast that I made below.


  • roast.JPG
    62 KB · Views: 38
HOLD YOUR TONGUE ADLER! According to the order of manlaw to even think of such a thing is one if the greatest deadly sins.

TPBM believes the four food g
Looks good, Adler. Man your serious. Pictures and all. PETA - People who Eat Tasty Animals.

TPBM thinks hes a vegetarian, but is really a shade different. Ovo-Lacto, or some other nonsense description. :lol:
Looks good, Adler. Man your serious. Pictures and all. PETA - People who Eat Tasty Animals.

TPBM thinks hes a vegetarian, but is really a shade different. Ovo-Lacto, or some other nonsense description. :lol:

Nope never could be a vegitarian. My wife is a semi vegitarian though.

TPBM loves fish and seafood as well. I know I do.
Sure do. Favorites in order? Shrimp, mussels, raw oysters, Dungeoness crab, scallops, cod, tuna, halibut. It's all too expensive though.

TPBM wonders why seafood is so expensive.
I think it's Because it's so darn good yet strangely enough good for you.

TPBM believes the four basic food groups are White meat, Red meat, Seafood, and a frosty beverage.
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