The Second D-Day Invasion: The Adventure of Bernard Jordan

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The Pop-Tart Whisperer
Feb 19, 2007
Britain's D-Day runaway Bernard Jordan tells his full amazing story | Mail Online

Exactly like the original seaborne operation 70 years earlier, everything depended on secrecy.
But now for the first time, we can tell the full extraordinary story of D-Day veteran Bernard Jordan's one-man expedition to the beaches of Normandy which has captured the nation's imagination as 'The Great Escape'.
'I can be very secretive when I want to be and when I set my mind to do something, I do it. This is what us Normandy veterans are like,' said Mr Jordan, speaking for the first time.

The home got a bit of a bum rap to be honest.

They tried to get him on an official trip but as it was last minute they couldn't get him a seat.

He was never banned from going, great tale though, well done Sir.

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