The Weather Where You Live?

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Lord have mercy, how the heck do you guys tolerate that sort of cold up there?

Once in a while, it'll get down to 32C (0C) here, and I hate it...perhaps my growing up in hot climates (Orange County) and later living in an area (Redding) where it also gets wicked hot during summer (average temps of 100F - 110F/37C - 43C) has something to do with that?
When you grow up with cold winters you dress for it and live with it. I spent a year working in Houston Texas and suffered the summer heat there. I learned how to sweat copiously.
I've worked and recreated in areas where there's cold temps...but I am acclimated to desert heat

When it drops below 40F (5C), I get a little testy...but working in 105F (40C) temps doesn't bother me at all!

It's a different kind of cold in the interior of the province I dwell in, a dry cold, little moisture in it. The snow crunches when you step on it. Up to -20°Cish, I just wear a t-shirt and a hooodie for short half hour jaunts outside. The snow crunches when you step on it. When I lived on the coast, just north of Vancouver, anything near 0° sent me running for the Stanfields®(GOOGLE it) from October to April.

Having said that, -25°C/-33 windchill.


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