The Weather Where You Live? (1 Viewer)

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All the best in your quest! It's cold here tonight (34F)but we still golfed this morning. I'm sure you can edge out 3500+.
The day started cloudy, windy and 0C. This afternoon, still cloudy lighter winds and the temp. now -8C.

Today -17 and several cm of snow. More snow forecast thru Tuesday. Drat!
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Well after a real hottie on Friday of 44.1C (111.4f) it has dropped back 38C yesterday to 30C today...

We are currently experiencing some out of control bushfires in the hills to the west and the smell of the smoke is strong in the air.
Again a cloudy day... the temperature is about -1°C/0°C. It is snowing at the moment.
The Artic Blast finally rolled into town. Currently 25F/-3C and tonight down to 14F/-10C. Wind Chill tomorrow is supposed to drive it down to -20F/-29C.

Schools are on a 2 hour delay tomorrow. <Insert pause for laughter from our Canadian members>
The Artic Blast finally rolled into town. Currently 25F/-3C and tonight down to 14F/-10C. Wind Chill tomorrow is supposed to drive it down to -20F/-29C.

Schools are on a 2 hour delay tomorrow. <Insert pause for laughter from our Canadian members>

That is warm. :D

Todays high temp was -7 F (-22 C). The windchill was -38 F (-39 C). Tonights low temp is -14 F (-27 C), with a wind chill of -42 F (-41 C).

Granted I live up north...;)

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