The Weather Where You Live?

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15C and 3 knot wind. Went out flying with my instructor, trying to get as much done towards my license before I get back on the pay-roll. Unfortunately, the weather near my area hasn't always been so nice as it was today.
15C and 3 knot wind. Went out flying with my instructor, trying to get as much done towards my license before I get back on the pay-roll. Unfortunately, the weather near my area hasn't always been so nice as it was today.

That is the one thing that has slowed me down. 3 out of 5 flights for have been canceled because of this lovely midwest weather!
Lucky dogs!!!!!!!!!!! 90+ degrees F and dry with a cool down into the 80s. May and June weather in March and still dry as bone rain wise. Hate to see what this summer is going to be like.

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