The Weather Where You Live? (3 Viewers)

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We're ok Tom and thank you sir for your concern. I think there were two or three tornados. Glade Springs got hit the hardest. There were three deaths there. I have a friend who lives there and he said that he went out after the last storm past through last night and was awe struck at the damage. The truck stop at exit 29 got hit and the twister had strewn trucks everywhere blocking the Interstate from what I understand. I was awake through the entire storm. The lightning never stopped. Things like this will make you realize just how powerless we really are. Here is a link from Face book, it is a video of the damage in Glade Springs, Va.
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the south got creamed pretty badly, friend told me of the carnage and it was 194 dead this morn and it is well past 200 now.

west coast in Orygun: wind, rain and snow in the low 40's F right now this eve, maybe frost again.
20C-ish temps all the way for the past few days mostly. sunny and all round great weather. Time to fire up the BBQ for the first time this year kind of weather really. Excellent for a national holiday kind of thing (Queens-day here today)

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