The Weather Where You Live? (1 Viewer)

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-3'c plus 6 cm of snow, had to shovel snow of my drive so i could get the car off it !
What the deal with that i am not Canadian :lol:
Hey Rochie, my old School got its picture on the BBC national report today, SNOWMAGGEDDON. I saw the slowest funniest car accident ever in my life this morning. A woman turning into a road on ice decided to speed up a bit, when the car didn't go any faster she floored the throttle and slid into car waiting to turn right, all done at about 2MPH. She then pulled of the road passing me ffffing and jeffing as her wheels spun merrily on the ice below. Some people just shouldn't drive cars in bad weather.
You're dead right !
Pics below taken at around 23.00 hrs tonight.
It's minus 5 C, with around 3 inches of snow, and still snowing, this time coming from Siberia.
Being on the west side of the Pennines, we're fairly sheltered, and it's nothing like I was used to in the Tyne Valley in my youth. We don't normally get that much snow as such, but, being near the top of the hills, it gets very icy here.
My house is at the bottom of a very steep hill, with a junction opposite, and the first two cars have been abandoned, having failed to negotiate the corner.
The road under the snow is sheet ice, and almost impossible to walk on, let alone drive on, and the girl who had the car shown at the right in the pics, has ended up parked in the wall of the building opposite (now flats, used to be a darned good pub !), fortunately just missing the front of my camper van !
Waiting to see how many 'dead' cars there'll be come morning !

Winter, Feb 2018 001.JPG
Winter, Feb 2018 003.JPG
Really? Wow, i thought you guys were snowed in like ten months of the year :lol:
Your football stadium is really something though. Amazing feat of engineering. Plus i tipped the Eagles at like week 3. If only i had placed a bet :facepalm:
We are having a mild winter so far. March can be a big snow month. I have not been in the Viking stadium but it does look impressive.
To continental Europeans please understand that snow tyres are not compulsory in the UK although I have them on and laugh all the time at those who don't ha ha ha ha ha.
I know this is totally off topic but its been bugging me for a while. Can anyone tell me what the emoji bacon icon denotes/meaning.....?
Would be much appreciated to know :|

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