The Weather Where You Live? (2 Viewers)

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Really a pleasant day, compared to what we've been having (in the 90's). Today it's only 76F with a good stiff breeze coming from the West.
Rain is predicted for later in the evening.

Ah... good ole Arizona. Spent an August day in Flagstaff years ago, when the car broke down enroute to SDiego.

Today, in da beach, it's only 77F at 12:40 pm. Rain and T-storms are predicted.

We are still in the clutches of a heat wave. Again today we will see temps in the hight 90's (F). What bothering most of the folks is the smoke
from the fire in the Great Dismal Swamp. In air miles it's not that far away, and a breeze from the west, or south-west will bring the smoke
to our area. This is extremely hard on those with breathing problems.


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