The Weather Where You Live? (4 Viewers)

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Initially it was a sunny day but soon it got worse. It started to rain and was raining all day long. Just stopped. 16/17°C
Are we getting duped by Government agencies?

I found this interesting. What do you think?

His video page here:

Tony Heller

**(Not an attempt to hi-jack the thread. Move it if needs be)
As long as it does not turn into political discussion you can discuss anything you like.

It was posted as information only; for others to make of it as they want.
I stay away from religion and politics ...though I admit I have to be careful about the P/C thing. ;)
Environment Canada promised me 2cm/2"ish of snow last night....


....reality, 17cm/6¾"ish. On the plus side I got to try my new Shark Shovel®
36C in the garage today and the wind blew a tree apart in our backyard and broke the stalk of one of the roses in front. Palm fronds from neighbors yard in the back.
Too darned hot!

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