The Weather Where You Live?

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we had our lowest official "City" morning temp in 75 years today here .9C my place 25 minutes north of the city we had -2.4C was a tad nippy.....with icing about the place....this is our COLD...!

not like what you Guys get on the other side of the Blue Marble.....with metres of that White stuff piled up when it gets serious.....
RAIN - Fantastic - we got a whole 11 mm yesterday. More than the previous two months combined and enough to 3/4 fill our tanks (no town water here)

According to the Bureau of Meteorology we were going to have a wetter than average autumn (fall) and winter. So far the records show they lied about autumn and possibly lied about winter.


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Almost half way through spring. We were promised a wet autumn - it was dryer than average. We were promised a wet winter, it was drier than average. We were promised a wet spring. 40 days in we have had 4mm rain.

Those rotten sods in Victoria are having floods because they stole all our rain.:mad:

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