The Weather Where You Live?

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Hill Country, Central TX reporting. 30 miles/50km W of Austin, it 6°F/-14°C, wind chill below 0F, and about three inches of snow on the ground.

Amarillo, you're drunk. Go home.

To follow up:



Toughin' up buttercup! I thought Texan's were supposed to be tough...


Just messin' with you.
Yeah I know. Born and raised in the mountains of Oregon and Idaho and spent five years stationed in northern Indiana and I've had all of this I'll EVER want. I like buttercups and butterflies. Pretty flower's everywhere. I love my flower girl. It should be 70 and won't be for a week. On the flipside there is summer.
Yeah I know. Born and raised in the mountains of Oregon and Idaho and spent five years stationed in northern Indiana and I've had all of this I'll EVER want. I like buttercups and butterflies. Pretty flower's everywhere. I love my flower girl. It should be 70 and won't be for a week. On the flipside there is summer.

lol, around the middle of August I start rootin' for October to hurry the hell up, and around this time in February I start kicking April in the ass too.
I love having four distinct and real seasons. Winters here are cold and snowy. Spring is warm and comfortable. Summer is hot and humid (Temps regularly reach 90+), and Fall is cool and comfortable as well. Fall is probably my favorite. Love sitting outside with a nice fire, wearing a sweater, and drinking a nice beer in the cool air.

i hated living in places with just 2 seasons (Hot Summer, Cool Summer), like when I lived in coastal Louisiana. Just not my thing.
Heck, in my town we get all four seasons in a day - all year round !!!
Even though the News and weather reports state "heavy snow", it's nothing compared to what we used to get, thirty to fifty years ago, especially where I now live, in north west England.
Born and raised in the north east, our winters came straight from Siberia, with a very cold wind, average snowfall of at least 12 inches, and ice for weeks on end..
Now, if we get two inches of snow here, it's called "heavy" !
Must admit though, the air is very cold, with a cutting wind, and the ground is frozen, ( along with my central heating for three days ! ).
I love having four distinct and real seasons. Winters here are cold and snowy. Spring is warm and comfortable. Summer is hot and humid (Temps regularly reach 90+), and Fall is cool and comfortable as well. Fall is probably my favorite. Love sitting outside with a nice fire, wearing a sweater, and drinking a nice beer in the cool air.

i hated living in places with just 2 seasons (Hot Summer, Cool Summer), like when I lived in coastal Louisiana. Just not my thing.
Yeah me to Summer, a day of fall, a half day of winter and a day of spring SUMMER! I think I'm ready to move to Albuquerque, err was that where Bugs was to have taken a left! Oh well, Go west young man
Our friend in Spicewood is a bit shy of the Leander snow fall; 5-6", depends where one measures. This is absolutely beyond anything that should happen here in normally sunny cool Central Texas.... Glad I have four wheel drive on everything I drive, usually for mud and such. But snow???

Kids love snow. Cows, not so much!
Our friend in Spicewood is a bit shy of the Leander snow fall; 5-6", depends where one measures. This is absolutely beyond anything that should happen here in normally sunny cool Central Texas.... Glad I have four wheel drive on everything I drive, usually for mud and such. But snow???
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Kids love snow. Cows, not so much!
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That's some snow there. I wish I had four-wheel, even with a load in the bed my truck is fishy.
Drove to PG yesterday to make sure I wouldn't miss appointments today and a good thing I did. Drove through a snowstorm and its still snowing. Whiteouts for a few seconds whenever a semi went by. Only one vehicle was in the ditch, a 4 x4 and it was upside down

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