The Weather Where You Live?

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0°C/33°F.....hailing.....lightning and thunder :p

We're getting bitchslapped. I felt the first shear-winds about five minutes ago, and now it's coming down in sideways sheets. Rumbling directly overhead but the overcast too thick to show much flash.

It'll be one hell of a gully-washer.

Rain's bouncing about 6" back off the roof.

ETA: if I had to guess I'd say visibility is 500 meters through the falling water.

ETA2: Rain-hail mix bouncing completely over the rain-gutters.
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We're about to get hit by another deusie. The downdrafts have started and noticeable temperature drop says there'll be boomers around.

ETA: I suspect some light hail will be in the mix.
We've got another thunderstorm zeroing in on us. If I had to guess I'd say the runoff-ditches on the roadside will be pretty full in an hour or so.

May was the fourth-wettest ever for Travis County. June seems to be saying "Hold my beer."

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