The Weather Where You Live? (4 Viewers)

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there are a number of products that prevent that problem - we don't use any because we depend on rain water tanks and they severely reduce the amount of runoff that goes in the tanks.
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About 20 or so years ago I took off all gutters except the front. Less roof damage since that time. Have since moved to a house with the only gutter over rear doors. Here in south
Louisiana, the rain storms are like being in a carwash. I once was driving in a down pour so severe I could not see the front of the car (yes a big American car) and since I was on a two lane highway with lots of curves and a bayou on my right, I decided to get off the road at the next large oak tree, position known only by the dark blob to my right.. When the rain slacked, I was very surprised to find myself about 4 feet from another car whose driver also found the same tree.
We get that sort of rain too about once every ten years - 122mm (about 4 3/4 inches) in a hour five years back.
Usually we get short sharp rain but only 5-20mm.
At present we are getting slow soaking rain and the soil is close to saturation. If we get some more heavy rain it may turn into a rerun of 2011 and 2013 where the local river burst its 28m (almost 100ft) banks and left debris on the cross bars of the power poles beside the river and downstream Bundaberg had a "1 in 100 year" flood.
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There was a Royal Commision into banking and insurance here in Aus a few years back and what they found was disgusting. One insurer just about went broke from the results and the majority of the Commissions findings have never, and will never, been turned into law.

From what I read and heard from people affected by it, the NZ govt bailed out the insurers after the Christchurch earthquake to save them from going broke. The insurers spent the money on bonuses etc and one person I worked with until covid was still waiting for his payout 8 years after his house was declared un-repairable by the government because it was in a red zone. The insurers want to pay him the value of the damage (minor) not the value of the house which can never be lived in again.

The politicians are doing diddley squat because they want insurance company directorships after they are out of parliament.
Well, our employee health plan is officially screwed. The promised December roll out has been put off to January. Three people cancelled their current policies in anticipation of the December start up, and now they are hung out to dry. I was able to get mine reinstated to the end of the year, thank God.
Huge storms tonight. Severe thunderstorms with multiple confirmed tornados. One went right past us, could see it from our window. Extensive debris field, demolished houses, and lots of areas without power.

We are good, no apparent damage to our house. We'll see more in the morning. We have power too which is good.
We got snow. Lots of snow. But I got off lucky, because the heaviest belt went just south of us and the SE suburbs of St. Paul got 17-20". That's like a half meter for you metric types. We got about a foot. Light fluffy stuff, so it was easy to move.

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