The Weather Where You Live?

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There's an internet place where people go to tell each other what books they already have- I think it's called Reddit.
Well a couple of breaks in the heat. Wife said it is 95 in Willis Texas. I did not check yesterday or today yet. The heat will return soon. The thunder storms start at 20:26 hours and the power went out at 20:30. Great heat and no electricity for 11 1/2 hours. More rain today filled by the 100 F heat over the weekend. So glad I don't work outside.
Only hit 99 today, like oh say FREAKING HOT but not as bad as yesterday!
After a break in a the heat, only around 95 F and a thunderstorm that left us without power for 11 hours, it hit 115 F yesterday. Feels like temperature was, I don't know, maybe hotter than hell.
After a break in a the heat, only around 95 F and a thunderstorm that left us without power for 11 hours, it hit 115 F yesterday. Feels like temperature was, I don't know, maybe hotter than hell.
Hell would be air conditioned at least they have uninterrupted power.

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