The Weather Where You Live?

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Just dropped from one oh one
We have a very nice mild day today. Only 82 degrees. I love it. Back over 90 again tomorrow, and then forecast for 100 on both Thursday and Friday followed by Thunderstorms.
Okay you guy's your not all getting it nice and hot. We had a lovely balmy 10c yesterday, in fact it has been like this for almost a week now and a little cooler over night at 5/6c with lots of cloud but not a skerrick of rain......................................................! 😂
Okay you guy's your not all getting it nice and hot. We had a lovely balmy 10c yesterday, in fact it has been like this for almost a week now and a little cooler over night at 5/6c with lots of cloud but not a skerrick of rain......................................................! 😂
midday and we've just reached 10ºC here.
Unfortunately we've had butt-loads of rain...
Looking at possible nasty storms where I live this afternoon and evening. Not much of a tornado threat, but large hail and high winds are possibilities. Thing I'm most anxious about is possible power outages. Since Covid, if we had winds much above say 35 mph, all you had to do is look the wrong way and we'd lose power.

But then again, like last week we were supposed to have nasty weather (with tornadoes a higher possibility), and that was basically a bust. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
Looking at possible nasty storms where I live this afternoon and evening. Not much of a tornado threat, but large hail and high winds are possibilities. Thing I'm most anxious about is possible power outages. Since Covid, if we had winds much above say 35 mph, all you had to do is look the wrong way and we'd lose power.

But then again, like last week we were supposed to have nasty weather (with tornadoes a higher possibility), and that was basically a bust. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

Same here in eastern Missouri, and its getting dark out there as I type this.
102 - 103 - 104. Take your pick, been one of those all month and weeks to come. No rain for the month either. I'll trade you a humid 102 for a possible high wind and hail event.
102 - 103 - 104. Take your pick, been one of those all month and weeks to come. No rain for the month either. I'll trade you a humid 102 for a possible high wind and hail event.

That's ok, we have been a high humidity 95-100 all month (at yours and ours temps its simply hot, does not matter). Next week is supposed to top 100 also. Texas does not have a monopoly on it.

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