The Weather Where You Live?

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0C and snowing here.... our glorious Autumn might be done...... Now just 7-8 months of snow coming up
yesterdays forecast 0-5mm provided us with 26mm. Still no runoff into the dam but it is getting closer. Fruit trees are looking great and, except for the weed grasses, the lawn is still gray.
yesterdays 0-5mm had the decimal point in the wrong place as 0.5mm is what we got.

After six days and 102.8mm (just over 4inches) of rain the grass is showing few signs of recovering which is a worry as usually it only takes one day and 5mm for it to go green again.

I don't know where You guys are here in Oz, but it's a nice drizzely day in the Shire!
And.............................. the 49ers are getting ready to do battle.
The 49ers may be getting ready to do battle but it's as dry as chips here. Are you going to be watching the game, if so have you got the popcorn and beer handy. :D
Yeah but did you see Miss Dolly Parton in her Cowgirl's outfit at half time for the Cowboy's Washington where the Cowboys renamed the Washington team the Redskins and gave them a shellacking. But damn!!!!! She was something to see!
Yeah but did you see Miss Dolly Parton in her Cowgirl's outfit at half time for the Cowboy's Washington where the Cowboys renamed the Washington team the Redskins and gave them a shellacking. But damn!!!!! She was something to see!
Yes, I saw. She was doing a lot of "holding herself up"!
BTW, 31 Niners-13 SH's
This seems to be around your neck of the woods so keep safe young man

The state of NSW is just a bit over 2100 miles long. Kinda like CA. So flooding in San Jose, and living in Napa right now. We are getting some rain but not catistrphic. Although we are only 150 ft above sea level.

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